3.1.6 Open Culture
Open culture is a concept which knowledge should be
spread freely and its growth should come from developing, changing or enriching
already existing works on the basis of sharing and collaboration, without being
limited by rules linked to the legal protection of intellectual property. Pang
Go Xiao(Translate) is an entrepreneur who has a characteristic of open culture.
He is the creator of ShengDacompany, which involved in paper packaging
industry, textiles, chemicals, steel, property, finance and investment, and
others (胜达(ShengDa), 2013) . He makes the
company from only having RMB2000 and 14 hammers to become a company which has
6000 workers and almost five billion of total assets nowadays.
Since 2010, Pang Go Xiao(Translate) held round table
meeting constantly. 2 executives and he meeting with 32 workers which represent
the remaining general workers to give any opinion back to them. In the
beginning of meeting, Pang encourage the workers say anything that they want to
say, no matter the things is good or bad, small or big, to let them free from
burden. Under the encouragement of Pang, the workers start to give out their
opinions. Some of them request to upgrade their welfare, some of them require
to strengthen the quality of training, and some of them criticize their
manager. All of the idea and suggestion that come from meeting will be recorded
and verify it’s feasible. Thus, the feasible idea will be put into effect,
andanything has to change will change (胜达(ShengDa), 2013) .
From 2010 until 2013, ShengDa already receive 2000 ideas
through this Comprehensive Personnel Development (CPD) (罗长海,陈小明,肖春燕,郭灿希, 2006) , which let the
company saving more than RMB 500 million. It shows that open culture in a
company which workers directly give opinion to the highest management team can
makes benefit for the company itself.

3.1.7 Outcome oriented
Outcome oriented is a personality disposition in which
people tend to define success and failure based on winning and losing. Outcome
orientation also means focusing on the actual outcome or result. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza
binti Tarudin is a Malaysian singer, record producer, songwriter, television
presenter and businesswoman. She had known as an entrepreneur that with trait
of outcome oriented.
Although Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza is a famous Asian singer
but she also participated in cosmetic business named SimplySiti since March
2010. Other than that, she also created her own tea company called Ctea, brand
of Malaysia that form tea cultivated on the foothills of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah.
It shows that she is an initiatively and outcome oriented person that can try
what she want to do in her life.
“I oversaw every
aspect of the business. I thinking about what products I wanted, I designed
them, I went to Korea to source for professionals who can deliver the product
and I basically did everything in bringing my products to reality.” Dato Siti
cheerfully revealed. Her success in business shows that she has the skills to
build a business that is more advanced.
Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza released a limited gold edition of
SimplySiti products with her signature was released in late August especially
for Hari Raya Aidilfitri and a month later, a new collection known as
"SimplySiti Glam Red" was released with five new hues for the
lipstick collection. This can increase the sales some more increase the profit
and make SimplySiti become more famous in Malaysia.
Simply Siti is now sold in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore
and Indonesia. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza plan to have the range launched as far as
the Middle East. She ventures herself in this cosmetology business industry
instead of being a professional singer. I think that she is a successful
entrepreneur that doing two jobs in the same time and she really pay effort for
what she want.
3.1.8 Team oriented
Team oriented means that you don't think of just
yourself, but you include others in your decisions. Everyone is a contributing
factor in the operations and making decisions that concern the business or
venture and everybody has an equal say without any echo. Larry Page and Sergey
Brin are computer scientists and internet entrepreneurs who co-founded Google
Inc. They are the best example of team oriented.
In 1996, Page and Brin tested the BackRub search engine after
the year on Stanford's servers. They kept the search page simple but without a
web developer.They were challenged to find more computing power to handle
queries as the search engine become increasingly popular.
Page and Brin maintain open communication and an open
mind when requesting feedback from each other. In 1998, they birthed Google.
They renamed the search engine Google, based on the word "googol," a
mathematical term represented by the numeral one followed by 100 zeros. Larry
Page and Sergey Brinare responsible for Google’s day to day operation, and
leading the company’s product development and technology strategy.
They believe that in order to create and sustain an
effective organizational culture, all people who involved must share the same
foundational desires to build, create, learn, take risk and have fun. In 2004
Page and Brin incorporate free web based on email services to residential and
corporate organizations worldwide. In 2010, Google was recognized as the most
dominated media and Technology Company utilized by consumers, corporate
entities and universities.
3.1.9 Proactive
Tan Sri Dato' Lim KokThay have trait as
proactive. Proactive mean creating or managing a situation by causing something
to happen. Tan Sri Dato' Lim KokThay is a prominent entrepreneur in
Malaysia. He is the second son of Tan Lim
Goh Tong, the founder of the Genting
Group. Tan Sri Lim KokThay is
the Chief Executiveand the chairman of GentingBerhad, which is the holding company of Genting Group that known
for its gaming and entertainment businesses (Bloomberg Business) . Apart from that, Genting Group is also
involved in various other businesses that include oil palm, , oil and gas,
property development and hospitality.
always acted active to expand his company to other field. Tan Sri Lim is the
co-founder of Genting Hong Kong Limited which was previously operating under
the company Star Cruises Limited. It runs and administrates a combined fleet of
18 ships that visits more than 200 destinations around the world with Norwegian
Cruise Line which is the third largest cruise operator in the world. He has
been working unremitting to expand the group into becoming one of the major
entertainment and tourism companies in the world. Under the management of Tan
Sri Lim, Genting has established major brands globally while it also runs the
largest casino in the United State at the Foxwoods Resort Casino.
addition,Tan Sri Lim led his team to
win the competitive tender to build and operate Singapore's first resort on
Sentosa Island, called Resorts World Sentosa. The resort was gradually opened on
January 2010 and has become a renowned tourist destination in the country. The
resort has features that were Southeast Asia's first Universal Studios
Singapore, six themed hotels, Maritime Experiential Museum and Aquarium (shimworld, 2013) .
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